英検対策講座【3級】大問3: 長文の内容一致選択問題

本多 敏幸(ほんだ・としゆき)





大問3 長文の内容一致選択問題


大問3 長文の内容一致選択問題」について学習します。






Questions ~問題~


次のEメール文の内容に関して、(1)から(3)までの質問に対する答えとして最も適切なものを1, 2, 3, 4の中から一つ選びなさい。

[英検 2018年度 第3回検定問題より]



From: Nancy Hill
To: Junko Kobayashi
Date: May 12
Subject: Driving lessons

Hi Junko,
How are you? My summer vacation will start in three weeks. Last week, I took a driving class after school at my high school, and I'm going to take the driving test in the second week of June. If I pass the test, I can drive us around when you come in August. I want to take a trip to my grandmother's house when you're here. We can drive there.
I can't wait to see you!


From: Junko Kobayashi
To: Nancy Hill
Date: May 13
Subject: Really?

Hi Nancy,
Thanks for your e-mail. My summer vacation doesn't start until the end of July. You're only 16, so I'm surprised that you can get a driver's license. In Japan, we have to be 18 years old. I'm planning to go to a driving school when I start university. Getting a driver's license is very expensive in Japan. How much does it cost in the United States? I think you'll be a good driver. Anyway, I would love to meet your grandmother.
Your friend,


From: Nancy Hill
To: Junko Kobayashi
Date: May 13
Subject: This summer

Hi Junko,
Wow, you can't get a driver's license until you're 18! Most people in the United States can get their driver's license when they're 16. I think it's also cheaper here. The class at my school was free. When I take the driving test, I only have to pay $40. On weekends, I drive near my house with my mom or dad. It's good practice. I can't drive by myself yet, so one of my parents has to be in the car with me.
Write again soon!





When will Junko visit Nancy?


  1. In three weeks.
  2. In the second week of June.
  3. At the end of July.
  4. In August.





What is Junko planning to do when she starts university?


  1. Learn how to drive.
  2. Take a driving test in the United States.
  3. Take a special class at Nancy's school.
  4. Drive to her grandmother's house.





How does Nancy practice driving on weekends?


  1. She drives by herself.
  2. She pays her teacher $40 for a lesson.
  3. She drives with one of her parents.
  4. She drives to her friend's house.










「時」を表す語句の例: three years ago / these days / for three years

「場所」を表す語句の例: around a big lake / on the train / at school




  • 1
  • 2



本多 敏幸(ほんだ・としゆき)


著書に、本多式中学英語マスターシリーズとして『反復基礎』『短文英単語』『速読長文』(以上文藝春秋)、『中学校外国語新3観点の学習評価完全ガイドブック』、『入試英語力を鍛える!授業アイデア&パワーアップワーク40』(以上明治図書)、『若手英語教師のためのよい授業をつくる30章』(教育出版)、『NHK CD BOOK 中学生になるまでに身につけたい! 小学英語 パーフェクト・レッスン』(NHK出版)など多数。



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