英検対策講座【2級】大問2: 長文の語句空所補充問題

伊藤 秀彦(いとう・ひでひこ)





大問2 長文の語句空所補充問題


大問2 長文の語句空所補充問題」について学習します。






Questions ~問題~


次の英文を読み、その文意にそって(1)から(3)までの(   )に入れるのに最も適切なものを1, 2, 3, 4の中から一つ選びなさい。

[英検 2020年度 第1回検定問題より]



Lava Mae


 In many cities in the United States, the number of homeless people is increasing because the cost of rent is rising and there are fewer homes that they can afford. One such city is San Francisco, California. It is estimated that over 8,000 people are living on the streets there. With no homes, it is not surprising that these people often do not have ( 1 ). In fact, the city has only about 20 public showers available for the homeless.

 In 2013, businesswoman Doniece Sandoval came up with an interesting project, called Lava Mae, to help the homeless with this problem. Sandoval heard that the city was going to replace many of its public buses, so she raised money to purchase some of them. She then turned them into places where the homeless can shower. Each bus has two large bathing areas, as well as clean toilets. Most homeless people also do not have soap or towels. ( 2 ), Lava Mae provides such supplies for everyone who comes.

 Sandoval's solution has one major advantage. The shower buses can be driven around to different places in the city each day. Also, Sandoval worked with the city to get permission to use water from fire hydrants around the city. In this way, the shower buses can go to the homeless people, so the people themselves ( 3 ) to a place to wash their bodies. Now, other cities are showing interest in Sandoval's idea of changing buses into mobile showers for the homeless.





  1. the time to pay their rent
  2. the chance to wash themselves
  3. a place to change their clothes
  4. a way to access any services





  1. In rare cases
  2. Despite this
  3. Even so
  4. Because of this





  1. do not have to travel
  2. can pay less money
  3. are not able to live next
  4. provide more water









「つなぎ言葉」の例: in addition「さらに」(追加)、for example「例えば」(具体例)、however「しかしながら」(逆接)、on the other hand「他方では、これに対して」(対照)、first of all「まず第一に」(順序)、as a result「その結果」(結果)、in short「要するに」(まとめ)など。




  • 1
  • 2



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