
伊藤 太 (いとう・ふとし)

3回にわたってお送りしている、「センター試験(英語) :解き方と時間配分」も今回が最後。高得点を目指して頑張りましょう。

センター試験(英語) 『得点3割アップ』の攻略法




これまで、センター試験 英語(筆記)の問題数と配点の関係や第1問から第5問の解き方の戦略と時間配分の目安について解説してきました。最後の今回は、第6問を取り上げます。


大問ごとの解き方と時間配分の目安(読解系: 第6問)


第6問 説明文(問題数6問、配点36点)




1.提示部 : 第1段落でテーマ・メイントピックを提示

2.展開部 : 第2~5段落でその具体的説明を展開

3.結論(まとめとテーマの再提示): 最後の第6段落は第1段落のテーマ・語彙を繰り返しながら、第2~5段落の内容を手短にまとめる






Point 1 



問2“microscopes”、問4“cameras”→第1段落“This change from invisible to visible has led to tremendous growth in our comprehension


Point 2 





Point 3 



「なるほど」と思う内容で、多くの場合、It is important to remember that SV…のように、thatが導く名詞節や、一般常識を引き合いに出して「ところが…」と逆説的に真実を提示する箇所。


Point 4 





(センター試験 英語(筆記) 平成30年度 第6問)


(1) History teaches us that technology and associated discoveries have changed how we understand the world. Many technological devices provide additional range and power to our natural capacities, such as our five senses. Among these devices, many enable us to see things that we cannot see with the naked eye. This change from invisible to visible has led to tremendous growth in our comprehension of the world and has strongly influenced our ways of thinking.

(2) In the 17th century, a scientist noticed that by holding two lenses together in a certain way he could make an object appear larger. He used this technique to construct the first simple telescope. Using these archaic telescopes, early scientists were able to describe the surface of the Moon in detail and to see that Jupiter had at least four such satellites. Since that time, people have developed various devices that expand our range of sight, thus revealing facts about the universe that lies beyond the Earth. The telescope continues to offer us new views concerning things beyond our immediate reach.

(3) Later, the microscope was developed using principles similar to the telescope. The microscope allows us to study objects we normally cannot see because they are too small. Looking through a microscope opened up an entirely new world to scientists. Before the invention of the microscope, they couldn't see the structures of human tissues or cells in plants and animals. When they saw these things, they became aware that some things that they had thought were whole and could not be divided, actually consisted of smaller components. These were only visible with the assistance of microscopes. Today, electron microscopes allow us to investigate even smaller items, such as molecules. These advances have altered our concepts regarding the composition of things in the world.

(4) The invention of the camera also made the invisible world visible. In the world, everything is changing. Some things change faster than we can see. The camera is a tool that gives us the power to freeze change at different points in time. Series of pictures have revealed how birds move in flight and athletes run. The camera can also help us see changes that are so gradual that we usually don't notice them. For example, by comparing photos of the same scene taken months or years apart, we can gain insights into how societies change. There are many other ways besides these in which the camera has changed our perceptions of the world.

(5) In the late 19th century, machines that used the newly discovered X-rays revolutionized the way in which we looked at things. Rather than seeing only the surface of an object, we gained the ability to look into it or through it, bringing the inner elements of many things into our range of view. This capability proved practical in the workplace, useful in laboratories and museums, and instructive in universities. One of the most important applications was in medicine. Doctors often had difficulty diagnosing illnesses or finding problems inside the body. X-rays allowed them to look into their patients, identify where there were problems, and cure them. This use of X-rays brought new understandings and methods for diagnosis and treatment.

(6) Different technological devices have made it possible to observe things that we could not see with the naked eye. This has significantly altered our understandings of the world around us. Each technological advance changes us in unpredictable ways, and each discovery increases our knowledge about the world. Just as the devices mentioned above have done, new devices will continue to impact our lives and change our ways of thinking in the future.





<theme / main topic>

Technological devices:
enable us to see / from invisible to visible [=change]
(科学技術による装置→見えないものを見えるようにした [=変化])


This change:

→A. tremendous growth in our comprehension of the world

 B. strong influence on our ways of thinking [=big change]

(こうした変化→ A. 世界の包括的理解における大きな進歩 + B. 考え方に対する強い影響 [=大変化])







allow us to study [able to see] reveal the facts of the universe




Before ... microscopethey couldn't see the structure of ...

they had thought ... whole ... not be divided


*変化(発明) [赤字斜体部分]

When they saw these things

(=able to see the structures of ...


*変化(事実認識) [太字下線部分]

become aware that things consist of smaller components




power to freeze change [=able to see]change our perception of the world




able to look intoidentify where there're problems and cure them / new understandings and methods for diagnosis and treatment






Different technological devices →possible to observeincrease our knowledge








センター試験 英語(筆記)平成30年度本試験の問題および過去の試験問題は、大学入試センターのウェブサイトよりご覧いただけます。




伊藤 太 (いとう・ふとし)


株式会社Weness 代表取締役社長。大手予備校・有名進学塾等で英語講師を務め、東大クラス・医学部コース等を担当。作成した教材から東大・筑波大等の入試長文問題を的中。コーチングを取り入れた研修方法を確立し、数多くの講師・教員の授業力・授業アンケート向上に寄与。現在、多数の私立学校にコンサルタント、アドバイザーとして関わるとともに、ネイティブスピーカーを含む学校教員・予備校講師(100名超)のコーチを務める。

著書に「基本の78パターンで 英会話フレーズ800」「使える動詞だけ覚えなさい! 英会話フレーズ700」(ともに西東社)、「いちばんわかりやすい 英検準2級まるごと問題集」「いちばんわかりやすい 英検3級まるごと問題集」(ともに高橋書店)、「はじめてのTOEIC(R) L&R テスト『先読み』と単語で730点突破!」(大和書房)など多数。



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