英検対策講座【2級】大問2: 長文の語句空所補充問題

伊藤 秀彦(いとう・ひでひこ)




Answers ~解答・解説~


次の英文を読み、その文意にそって(1)から(3)までの(   )に入れるのに最も適切なものを1, 2, 3, 4の中から一つ選びなさい。

[英検 2016年度 第1回検定問題より]



Music to My Ears


 Music plays an important role in people's lives around the world. Singing, as it does not require any special tools or instruments, is a particularly popular way for people to enjoy music. Although many people sing for fun, few people know that singing actually ( has many health benefits ). From helping people fight diseases to reducing stress, singing can make people's lives better.


 Singing can also be seen as a type of exercise. When people sing, their bodies use a number of important muscles. It also helps people improve their breathing and strengthens both their lungs and hearts in the same way as aerobic exercise such as jogging. ( In fact ), some experts say that singing can actually be a good alternative to exercise for elderly people who need to improve their weak lungs and hearts. Furthermore, singing increases the chemicals in the body that make people feel good, which can help reduce anxiety and depression.


 INew research has shown that singing ( in a group ) can also have positive effects. Don Stewart, a researcher at Griffith University in Australia, surveyed elderly members of a chorus. He found that although they had the same health problems as other elderly people, they were actually happier than those who did not sing or those who sang alone. In addition, the chorus members visited the doctor less and took fewer medicines. After noticing these advantages, some governments are considering promoting choruses as a way to reduce the cost of medical care for the elderly.



【 訳 】














正解: 3 


  1. improves memory
  2. leads to heart disease
  3. has many health benefits
  4. causes a number of problems




空所のある文に「ほとんどの人は、歌うことには実は~ということを知らない」とある。その直後の文に「人々が病気と闘うのを手助けすることからストレスを減らすことに至るまで、歌うことは人々の生活を改善しうる」とあるので、この「具体例」により、歌うことには「多くの健康上の利益がある」(has many health benefits)ということがわかり、3.が正解となる。


他の選択肢:1. improves memory「記憶力を良くする」、2. leads to heart disease「心臓病につながる」、4. causes a number of problems「いくつかの問題を引き起こす」。






正解: 1


  1. In fact
  2. At last
  3. Unfortunately
  4. Traditionally 




空所の直前の文に、「歌うこと」は「肺も心臓も強化する」とある。空所のある文は、その直前の文の内容を「補強」しているので、1. In fact「実のところ」が正解となる。


他の選択肢:2. At last「ついに」、3. Unfortunately「残念ながら」、4. Traditionally「伝統的に」。






正解: 2


  1. once a day
  2. in a group
  3. at school
  4. with a microphone




冒頭の空所のある文に「~で歌うことにも良い効果がありうる」とある。以下の続く文では「合唱」(chorus)の利点について述べられているので、2. in a group「グループで」が正解となる。


他の選択肢:1. once a day「日に一度」、3. at school「学校で」、4. with a microphone「マイクを持って」。



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