英検対策講座【2級】大問3: 長文の内容一致選択問題

伊藤 秀彦(いとう・ひでひこ)





大問3 長文の内容一致選択問題


大問3 長文の内容一致選択問題」について学習します。






Questions ~問題~


次の英文の内容に関して、(1)から(3)までの質問に対して最も適切なもの、または文を完成させるのに最も適切なものを1, 2, 3, 4の中から一つ選びなさい。

[英検 2020年度 第1回検定問題より]


From: Larry Spears <l-spears3@toosoft.com>
To: Angela Landers <a-landers1@toosoft.com>
Date: May 31
Subject: S7 Software Conference

Dear Ms. Landers,
I'm sending you an e-mail today about the S7 Software Conference that will be held in Los Angeles this summer. Our company has decided to participate in S7 again this year. We plan to use the event as an opportunity to show some of our new ideas to the public. Therefore, we will need some employees to show products from each of our software development teams at S7.
Your team will also need to present one new product. As the team leader, you must select one employee to attend the event and to give a presentation. That person will also have to spend time meeting people and answering questions about our company. Peter Harris from the accounting department will book plane tickets and hotel rooms for the trip.
The product you choose must be something interesting that has not been advertised yet. We want it to be a surprise for the audience. The presentation will be on the main stage at S7, so make sure the employee you select is a good speaker and comfortable in front of a large audience. We will discuss the details of the event at a special managers' meeting next month. Meanwhile, please let me know who will be attending by the end of the day.
Larry Spears
General Manager, Toosoft





Why will Toosoft participate in S7?


  1. It wants to attract new employees to its company.
  2. It wants to introduce its new ideas to the public.
  3. Some products have been selling poorly this year.
  4. Some teams will soon move to Los Angeles.





What is Ms. Landers asked to do?


  1. Give a public presentation on software.
  2. Choose someone to go on a business trip.
  3. Contact Peter Harris in the accounting department.
  4. Attend a software conference for the company.





Next month at Toosoft,


  1. managers will write e-mails about their projects.
  2. people will begin advertising a new product.
  3. employees will speak to a large audience.
  4. there will be a meeting to prepare for S7.







問題を解くに当たって、あわてて文章を読む前に、そもそも「誰が」「誰に」書いた(送信した)文章なのか、ということを意識しておくと理解に役立ちます。「誰が」書いたのかは、冒頭の「From(送信者)」か、文末の「送信者名(署名)」を見れば分かります。「誰に」書いたのかは、文頭の「To(受信者)」か、書き出しの「Dear ~(~様)」を見れば分かります。




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