英検対策講座【2級】大問3: 長文の内容一致選択問題

伊藤 秀彦(いとう・ひでひこ)




Answers ~解答・解説~


次の英文を読み、その文意にそって(1)から(4)までの質問に対して最も適切なもの、またはその文を完成させるのに最も適切なものを1, 2, 3, 4の中から一つ選びなさい。

[英検 2016年度 第1回検定問題より]



Snake Hearts


 Many large snakes eat as rarely as once every three months. When they do eat, however, they eat whole animals, such as deer or wild pigs. In order to digest these large meals, the heart and other organs inside the snake's body suddenly grow much larger. The heart, for example, does this so that it can pump blood around the body much faster. This allows the snake to digest food more quickly. After the snake has digested the meal, the organs go back to their usual size.


 One snake that does this is the Burmese python. American biologist Leslie Leinwand and her team at the University of Colorado Boulder decided to research exactly how the Burmese python manages to expand its heart so dramatically. The team found that certain chemicals in the snake's blood cause the heart to grow. When the team added the snake's blood to cells taken from mice's hearts, they were surprised to find that the cells also began to grow.


 After further experiments, Leinwand removed the chemicals from the snake's blood and gave them to living mice. As a result, the mice's hearts grew dramatically. Leinwand believes that her research may be able to help humans with heart diseases. Human hearts grow larger in two ways, one unhealthy and one healthy. When people have high blood pressure, for example, the muscles in their hearts grow to help the heart push blood around the body. This kind of growth actually damages the heart and makes it weaker. On the other hand, when people do exercise, their hearts grow larger in a healthy way.


 According to Leinwand's research, the chemicals in the snake's blood cause the heart to grow in the same way that exercise usually does. She believes that if she could make a drug from these chemicals, it could cure certain heart diseases in humans. She says that more research is needed and that it will be years before a drug could be developed. However, she believes that the discovery is very exciting because it shows that the chemicals taken from one creature can affect the heart of a completely different creature.



【 訳 】
















正解: 4


Many large snakes change the size of their hearts in order to


  1. make more space for the whole animals that they eat.
  2. better digest the blood of the animals that they eat.
  3. be able to catch more food more quickly.
  4. help them digest large meals more quickly.






  1. 「まるごと食べる動物のための、より多くのスペースを作るため」
  2. 「食べる動物の血液をより良く消化するため」
  3. 「より多くの食べ物をより速く捕まえることができるようにするため」
  4. 「それらのヘビが大量の食事をより速く消化するのを促進するため」 









正解: 1


What is one thing that Leslie Leinwand's team learned about Burmese python blood?


  1. It has the effect of making mice's heart cells grow larger.
  2. It can be used to increase the size of farm animals.
  3. It expands dramatically when added to the blood of other animals.
  4. It reduces the size of mice's hearts while the mice are sleeping.






  1. 「ハツカネズミの心臓の細胞を大きくする効果がある」
  2. 「家畜の大きさを増大させるのに使用されうる」
  3. 「他の動物の血液に加えられると、劇的に膨張する」
  4. 「ハツカネズミが眠っている間に、その心臓の大きさを縮小する」









正解: 2


What happens to the heart of a person with high blood pressure?


  1. It becomes able to produce more blood to pump around the body.
  2. It becomes weak and damaged as a result of becoming bigger.
  3. It has to be supported by various muscles in the body.
  4. It has to be given a special medicine to help it grow.






  1. 「より多くの血液を作り出し、体中に送り出すことができるようになる」
  2. 「大きくなる結果として、衰弱しダメージを受けるようになる」
  3. 「体内のさまざまな筋肉により支えられなければならない」
  4. 「心臓が大きくなるのを促進するために特殊な薬が与えられなければならない」









正解: 3


Leinwand believes that


  1. humans should drink snake blood in order to live a healthy life.
  2. the drug she makes will benefit snakes and other wild animals.
  3. her research can be used to develop medicine for some heart diseases.
  4. Burmese pythons can protect humans from diseases spread by mice.






  1. 「人間は健康的な生活を送るためにヘビの血液を飲むべきである」
  2. 「レインワンドが作る薬はヘビと他の野生動物の利益になるであろう」
  3. 「レインワンドの研究はいくつかの心臓病の薬を開発するのに使用されうる」
  4. 「ビルマニシキヘビはハツカネズミにより広められた病気から人間を保護することができる」






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