英検対策講座【2級】大問2: 長文の語句空所補充問題

伊藤 秀彦(いとう・ひでひこ)





大問2 長文の語句空所補充問題


大問2 長文の語句空所補充問題」について学習します。






Questions ~問題~


次の英文を読み、その文意にそって(1)から(3)までの(   )に入れるのに最も適切なものを1, 2, 3, 4の中から一つ選びなさい。

[英検 2016年度 第2回検定問題より]



Local Foods


 Over the past 20 years, more and more individuals have been buying locally produced food because it is better for both people's health and the environment. Seeing these benefits, some retirement homes in the United States have switched from packaged food made in large factories to homemade dishes made with local ingredients. They were surprised to find that this change ( 1 ) as well. They found that by preparing meals at the retirement home, they were able to reduce the overall amount of money spent on food.


 Two of the major costs of food production are packaging and transportation. When people buy from local farmers, the farmers can spend much less money on both. ( 2 ), the farmers lower the price of their products. As a result, the retirement homes can save money while the local farmers are able to make a larger profit, allowing more money to remain in the area. Thus, the local economy also improves.


 FutureCare Cherrywood is one retirement home which has started using locally produced food. Sandy Stallings, the food service director, says that one of the most important results is how residents now feel about their food. They are more satisfied with their food and happier in general. Of course the improved taste of the food is important, but Stallings believes that getting residents ( 3 ) has also led to this change. Residents help to decide which foods will be served and even grow some vegetables themselves. By buying locally, a number of problems can be solved at once.





  1. had economic advantages
  2. caused medical problems
  3. reduced environmental damage
  4. decreased the availability of food





  1. Like before
  2. In turn
  3. At least
  4. For once





  1. involved in choosing
  2. interested in exercise
  3. to eat vegetables
  4. to use fewer services









「つなぎ言葉」の例: in addition「さらに」(追加)、for example「例えば」(具体例)、however「しかしながら」(逆接)、on the other hand「これに対して」(対照)、first of all「まず第一に」(順序)、as a result「その結果」(結果)、in short「要するに」(まとめ)など。





  • 1
  • 2



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