英検対策講座【3級】大問3: 長文の内容一致選択問題

本多 敏幸(ほんだ・としゆき)





大問3 長文の内容一致選択問題


大問3 長文の内容一致選択問題」について学習します。






Questions ~問題~


次のEメール文の内容に関して、(1)から(3)までの質問に対する答えとして最も適切なものを1, 2, 3, 4の中から一つ選びなさい。

[英検 2017年度 第2回検定問題より]



From: Kelly Long
To: Saeko Ogawa
Date: November 20
Subject: Trip to Japan

Dear Saeko,
I can't believe it's been a year since you stayed with us in Chicago. How are you? Do you remember the photo of us playing tennis? I keep it on my desk and look at it every day. Guess what? My parents and I will travel to Japan during our Christmas vacation. I hope we can see you then! How far is Yamanashi from Tokyo?


From: Saeko Ogawa
To: Kelly Long
Date: November 21
Subject: Your trip

Dear Kelly,
What great news! My parents and I want to invite you to our home in Yamanashi during your trip. I really want you to come here for New Year's Day. It takes a few hours to get to Yamanashi from Tokyo by train or car. Everything is fine here. I have a lot of tests next week at school, so I'm studying very hard. Two weeks ago, my school had a festival. I'm in the English club, and we sold tea and cookies at the festival to raise* money for our club. We made 6,500 yen. I used the cookie recipe you sent me in the summer. Everyone loved the cookies.
See you,


From: Kelly Long
To: Saeko Ogawa
Date: November 23
Subject: Maybe next time

Hi Saeko,
Thanks for writing back. I checked with my parents about the dates for our trip. We arrive in Tokyo on December 20, but we'll only be there for two days. My parents said we won't have enough time to go to Yamanashi. I'm sorry! I really wanted to see you. We'll be on a tour, and after Tokyo, we'll go to Kyoto for four days and Osaka for three days.
Your friend,

*raise: ~を集める





Why did Kelly write to Saeko?


  1. To thank Saeko for the Christmas present.
  2. To tell Saeko about her trip to Japan.
  3. To send Saeko a recipe for cookies.
  4. To invite Saeko to visit Chicago.





What is Saeko going to do next week?


  1. Take a trip to Tokyo.
  2. Go to her school festival.
  3. Introduce Kelly to her parents.
  4. Take many tests at school.





Kelly can't go to Yamanashi because


  1. her family won't have enough time.
  2. she forgot to buy the train tickets.
  3. she will be too busy studying.
  4. her family doesn't have a car.










「時」を表す語句の例: three years ago / these days / for three years

「場所」を表す語句の例: around a big lake / on the train / at school





  • 1
  • 2



本多 敏幸(ほんだ・としゆき)


著書に、本多式中学英語マスターシリーズとして『反復基礎』『短文英単語』『速読長文』(以上文藝春秋)、『中学校外国語新3観点の学習評価完全ガイドブック』、『入試英語力を鍛える!授業アイデア&パワーアップワーク40』(以上明治図書)、『若手英語教師のためのよい授業をつくる30章』(教育出版)、『NHK CD BOOK 中学生になるまでに身につけたい! 小学英語 パーフェクト・レッスン』(NHK出版)など多数。



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