英検対策講座【2級】大問2: 長文の語句空所補充問題

本多 敏幸(ほんだ・としゆき)





大問2 長文の語句空所補充問題


大問2 長文の語句空所補充問題」について学習します。






Questions ~問題~


次の英文を読み、その文意にそって(1)から(3)までの(  )に入れるのに最も適切なものを1、2、3、4の中から一つ選びなさい。

[英検 2021年度 第3回検定問題より]



A Feeling for Music


 The music of the German composer Ludwig van Beethoven has given happiness to generations of listeners. However, as is well known, Beethoven began to lose his own hearing in his late 20s. By the time he was 44, he was deaf and could hear hardly any sounds at all. ( 1 ), he did not stop writing music, and some of his most famous works were composed after he had lost his hearing.


 To celebrate the 250th anniversary of Beethoven's birth, Mate Hamori, the conductor of an orchestra from Hungary, held some special concerts. He invited groups of deaf people to come and enjoy Beethoven's music. In order to “hear” the music, some of the audience members sat next to the musicians and placed their hands on the instruments. By doing this, the deaf people could feel the vibrations made by the instruments as they were being played. Other audience members held balloons which allowed them to feel the music's vibrations in the air. They were able to use ( 2 ) to experience the music.


 The concerts were a success. Zsuzsanna Foldi, a 67-year-old woman who had been deaf since she was a baby, cried with joy when she was able to “hear” Beethoven's Fifth Symphony in this way. Although Hamori's idea was unusual, it was not his own. As Beethoven was becoming deaf, he used a piano when writing music. He discovered that the instrument allowed him to feel his music through his fingers. Hamori took Beethoven's idea and used it so that people who ( 3 ) could enjoy the composer's music.





  1. Even so
  2. Rather
  3. For once
  4. Therefore





  1. this new technology
  2. their sense of touch
  3. the colors of a rainbow
  4. these natural smells





  1. are unable to leave home
  2. have no memory
  3. face the same challenge
  4. prefer other styles





対策として、まずヒントとなる接続表現(文と文、段落と段落をつなぎ、前後関係を示す言葉)を覚えましょう。順序(First of all)、対比 (on the other hand)、具体化 (for example)、理由 (because)、結果 (as a result)、列挙 (in addition)、順接 (therefore)、逆接 (however)、言い換え (in other words) など、英文の流れを明確にするヒントとなる表現を覚えておくと、効率的にしかも正確に解くことができます。






  • 1
  • 2



本多 敏幸(ほんだ・としゆき)


著書に、本多式中学英語マスターシリーズとして『反復基礎』『短文英単語』『速読長文』(以上文藝春秋)、『中学校外国語新3観点の学習評価完全ガイドブック』、『入試英語力を鍛える!授業アイデア&パワーアップワーク40』(以上明治図書)、『若手英語教師のためのよい授業をつくる30章』(教育出版)、『NHK CD BOOK 中学生になるまでに身につけたい! 小学英語 パーフェクト・レッスン』(NHK出版)など多数。



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