英検対策講座【2級】大問3: 長文の内容一致選択問題

伊藤 秀彦(いとう・ひでひこ)





大問3 長文の内容一致選択問題


大問3 長文の内容一致選択問題」について学習します。






Questions ~問題~


次の英文の内容に関して、(1)から(4)までの質問に対して最も適切なもの、または文を完成させるのに最も適切なものを1, 2, 3, 4の中から一つ選びなさい。

[英検 2017年度 第2回検定問題より]


From: Frank Klessmer <fklessmer@diplowhigh.edu>
To: Mira Cohen <mira-star@mymail.com>
Date: October 8
Subject: Letter of recommendation

Dear Mira,

In your last e-mail, you mentioned that you needed a recommendation letter for the colleges that you are applying to. I enjoyed having you in my music class last year, and I would be happy to write one for you. You still have one year of high school left to go, and I know that this year will be very busy for you. I'm sure you will do well and that you'll be able to get into any college that you want to attend.

Anyway, before I write the letter, I need some information from you. First, please give me a list of the colleges you're applying to. Also, I'll need to know the deadline for each school. Most colleges ask teachers to send the letters of recommendation through an online form, but some still want paper letters to be sent through the mail. Let me know what each school requires.

Also, I'd like to know what you would like me to include in the letter. Of course I'll write about what a good student you are, but if there's anything special you would like me to point out, such as your singing ability, please let me know. I'm writing letters for some other students too, so a list of these things will help me make sure what I write is specific to you.

Mr. Klessmer







  1. asked for advice about choosing a college.
  2. recommended Mr. Klessmer as a teacher.
  3. took Mr. Klessmer's class last year.
  4. graduated from high school recently.





What is one thing that Mr. Klessmer wants to know?


  1. The website for each school Mira is interested in.
  2. The address of each college Mira will apply to.
  3. What date he should write at the top of each letter.
  4. When each college will need the letter from him.





Why does Mr. Klessmer want a list from Mira?


  1. Other students want to see what he will write about her.
  2. He does not know if she is a good student or not.
  3. So that he can write about things Mira wants him to.
  4. Because he cannot remember her favorite hobbies.







問題を解くに当たって、あわてて文章を読む前に、そもそも「誰が」「誰に」書いた(送信した)文章なのか、ということを意識しておくと理解に役立ちます。「誰が」書いたのかは、冒頭の「From(送信者)」か、文末の「送信者名(署名)」を見れば分かります。「誰に」書いたのかは、文頭の「To(受信者)」か、書き出しの「Dear ~(~様)」を見れば分かります。





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