英検対策講座【2級】大問3: 長文の内容一致選択問題

伊藤 秀彦(いとう・ひでひこ)





大問3 長文の内容一致選択問題


大問3 長文の内容一致選択問題」について学習します。






Questions ~問題~


次の英文の内容に関して、(1)から(3)までの質問に対して最も適切なもの、または文を完成させるのに最も適切なものを1, 2, 3, 4の中から一つ選びなさい。

[英検 2019年度 第3回検定問題より]


From: Jenna Smith <help@arpbank.com>
To: Brett Walters <brettwalters9@cmail.com>
Date: January 24
Subject: Your password

Dear Mr. Walters,
Thank you for contacting ARP Bank. As always, we thank you for your business. You said in your e-mail that you have recently been unable to log in to our online banking system. After checking your account, I found that it has been locked because an incorrect password was entered three times. To fix this, you will have to reset your password. If you did not try to access your account and think that someone else did, please contact our customer support center at 1-800-555-3458.
To gain access to your account, please reset your password by clicking on this link: www.arpbank.com/pwr. From there, you need to get a reset code. To get the code, click "send code," and it will be sent to you in an e-mail. Then, enter your username and the reset code, and set a new password. Please remember that passwords must be at least eight characters long and include at least one number.
Please keep your password in a safe place. After you change your password, you will need to change your security questions. These can be used to change your password if you forget it. Be sure to choose questions and answers that will not be easy for people to guess. If you still have trouble, you can call our customer support center at the number above.
Jenna Smith
ARP Bank Online Account Manager





Why did Mr. Walters contact ARP Bank?


  1. He does not know how to set up online banking.
  2. He cannot log in to his online bank account.
  3. He thinks someone tried to access his account.
  4. He forgot to set a new password for his account.





What does Jenna Smith say about a reset code?


  1. It is sent after the username is changed.
  2. It needs to be at least eight characters long.
  3. Mr. Walters should call the bank to get one.
  4. Mr. Walters needs one to fix his account.





Jenna Smith tells Mr. Walters that he has to


  1. select some new security questions.
  2. try to guess his password one more time.
  3. call her at the customer support center.
  4. find a safe place where he can use his computer.







問題を解くに当たって、あわてて文章を読む前に、そもそも「誰が」「誰に」書いた(送信した)文章なのか、ということを意識しておくと理解に役立ちます。「誰が」書いたのかは、冒頭の「From(送信者)」か、文末の「送信者名(署名)」を見れば分かります。「誰に」書いたのかは、文頭の「To(受信者)」か、書き出しの「Dear ~(~様)」を見れば分かります。




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